European Summer Music Academy
Master klaset e ligjeratat si dhe punen me orkestren e formuar ne ato dite e beri me shume dashuri profesori i nderuar nga Maqedonia, z. Darko Bageski.
Kishim studente nga Kosova dhe nga Shqiperia!
Pra, perveq mesimit individual gjate tere javes per cdo dite, nderkohe eshte kriju edhe orkestra e gitarave me po keta nxenes!
Per motivimin dhe qejfin qe kane bere studentet, nuk kemi dyshim!
Per mesimin e mirefillte dhe per ushtrimet e shumta, jemi kujdese te gjithe!
Studentet tashme mezi po e presin takimin e vitit te ardhshem… ESMA 2019
Duam ti falenderojme shume sponzoret pa te cilet tere keto dite nuk do te kishin qene te mundura
Hotel Palace – Mitrovice
Speed Taxi
VH Dent
Diakonie – Training Center – Mitrovice
The week that went, the city of Mitrovica and our organization KosovaArs were the hosts for the guitar branch of the biggest music summer school in Kosovo – E.S.M.A.
European Summer Music Academy
Master classes and lectures and work with the orchestra formed in those days were done with great love from the distinguished professor from Macedonia, Mr. Darko Bageski.
We had students from Kosovo and Albania!
So, apart from the individual teaching throughout the week for each day, meanwhile the orchestra of guitars was formed with these students!
For the motivation and fun days that the students had, we have no doubt!
For the good lessons and the many exercises, we all took care!
Students are now barely awaiting next year’s meeting … ESMA 2019 – Mitrovice
We want to thank many sponsors without whom all these days would not have been possible
Hotel Palace – Mitrovica
Speed Taxi
VH Dent
Diakonie – Training Center – Mitrovica