ESMA 7 – Mitrovice

European Summer Music Academy e cila per te 7-ten here organizohet ne Kosove – Gjakove, kete vit per te paren here ne bashkepunim me OJQ KosovaArs, dega e gitares vjen ne qytetin tone te bukur te Mitrovices!!!

6 nxenes nga Kosova dhe Shqiperia kane rastin qe per 1 jave te punojne e te mesojne me profesorin e njohur nga Maqedonia z.Darko Bageski.

Kjo jave do te jete e mbushur me pune, mesime, avantura dhe shume shume argetim…


ESMA 7 – Mitrovica

European Summer Music Academy, which for the 7th time is organized in Kosovo – Gjakova, this year for the first time in cooperation with NGO KosovaArs, the guitar branch comes to our beautiful city of Mitrovica !!!

6 pupils from Kosovo and Albania have the opportunity to work and study for one week with the well-known professor from Macedonia, Mr. Darko Bageski.

This week will be filled with work, lessons, adventure and lots of fun

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